Or if you prefer the depths of a space hulk to the barrens of Octarius, you can wait a few short weeks until we release the next big box set – Kill Team: Into the Dark. Why not build a kill team out of your Warhammer 40,000 collection and give these free rules a try? If you like it, a starter set containing two full teams, terrain, and the complete rules is available. If you haven’t really made the dive into Kill Team, then now is a perfect time as the rules are free! Let’s check it out! FREE Core Rules Download For Warhammer 40k Kill Team
Warhammer Community unveiled the rules, along with both free Kill Team downloads. This is honestly fine by us, as they are putting the rules out there for free, and if you already have some Intercessors hanging around (6 of them), then you have a Kill Team and can get all the rules for free!
GW is not only giving away the Core Rules for free but also ones for a new 40k Primaris Kill Team to putting them smack dab in the fighting!