The due date is the date payment is actually due to you, based on the payment terms you dictate. Payment terms can vary widely, but they generally include things like the number of days after the invoice date when payment is due (NET 30, NET 60, or due upon receipt).
The invoice date is the date you create the invoice and submit it to your customer. Invoice date, payment terms, and due date. It is absolutely critical in order to follow up on delinquent invoices. Include as much contact information as you can gather on your customer.
This includes your name (or business name) and the customer’s name, billing addresses, phone numbers and email addresses for both you and your customer. Knowing ahead of time will help you keep from duplicating invoices and causing confusion down the line. This can be as easy as starting with number 1. Here’s what you’ll need: A numbering system for invoices. The key is to have all the information ready ahead of time. Simply fill out the fields on the form, and choose to either send the invoice directly or download it to send later. How do I create an invoice using the Invoice Generator?Ĭreating an invoice using the Invoice Generator is quick and easy.